Issue 3 for Sale!
Homonumos Issue 3 is at the printers! Merci, 谢谢, thank you, etc., to all the authors contributing to the magazine. Issues are on sale here, $5 Canadian plus $5 shipping outside China. Please allow a few weeks for delivery.
If you want to take a peek, here's the cover, and here are a few tidbits inside-
Efe Okugu's THE BIRTH OF THE BLUE (part 3) and
Solange Guo Chatelard's SOY TANGUERO (part 3).
Also, some poetry from Jack Raiff intended for Issue 2-
HA LLEGADO EL DÍA (English translation here).
For the curious, here's an interview with chief editor Christine Bellerose (WMV + Dog format) from Camille Levert (Camillenchine).
And another interview, with Christine and Virginie by Josh Hink from Indyish.
If the articles are coming out too tiny, don't fret- we're working on getting higher-resolution images up soon. We're also putting together an online index of author's homepages, putting work from Issues 1 & 2 online, and gathering more sound and video from contributors.
Again, thank you all for reading and contributing to the magazine.
Will Fertman, Online Editor.