Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Word from the editor (English) The Norm issue

homonumos magazine d'avant garde

The Norm issue
May 2006

A word from the editor: on homônumos and the norm

Literature philosophy science. What do they have in common? The discourse of ideas/an idea. Literature pens down images, philosophy principles, science formula. Literature philosophy and science represent the isocèle trigonome of a tri-dimensional thought. A thought running into inquiries, requesting the limits to be probed, be pushed out. Literature philosophy and science are expressions feeding off of each other and in turn influencing each other. The trigonome of thoughts exists in many cultures, of times passed—Phoenician, Classical Greece, Al Andalousia of Christians Jewish and Muslims melting pot of the X-XVI Centuries, Renaissance.

A thought is the fruit of intelligence; the dream is that of its pleasure. Take a dream for a thought is like sweetening your wine with cyanide. (Victor Hugo, Les Misérables)

Intelligence is an application process, recognition, an acknowledgement, and a synthesis. It is an evolutionary process. In a casserole, information gathered through instinct and learning are mixed together, stewed into thought. Creation is the ability to synthesise sensation. Emotion is a request signal to the brain looking to know how to react, how to shield itself from an attack (triggering the signal). An emotion associates itself by (emotional) memory, to various forms of attack (feeling). Society can define feelings. However, it is up to the individual to recognise its own emotions. Symptoms of emotions are quite complex and are rather tedious to control.

Everyone has a dream but most people starve that dream. Most people are in a hurry, and therefore prefer bypassing process of identification to reaction. They are rather satisfied following the prescribed norm.
Homônumos is a celebration of the mind at work. In respect to this mission, homônumos is multi-cultural, multi-lingual. Ideas are never expressed as accurately as they are when voiced in their original tongue. Communication is a practicality: a storm of interactive ideas feeds progress, allows for versatility. From this fire emerges the contemporary state. Homônumos avant-garde? Homônumos retro? This first issue is dedicated to the living memory of our predecessors.

homonumos magazine d'avant garde

Update mid-August 06
homonumos magazine d'avant garde

Hola a todos!
I seem to be blocked from my own blog most of the time…

Almost mid-August. Virginie and I are working on the texts for the upcoming second issue. The Perspective issue should be more solid, more concise than the Norm issue. That's only because of our editorial neatness. Every author, for the Norm, the Perspective, and the coming issues are just amazing!

Anna ( will polish the graphics and the layout at the end of August. And in Septembre homônumos magazine hits the stores. This means we are looking for distribution outlets in Beijing/Shanghai/Guangzhou/Chengdu. And outside of China (coming soon to Bangkok Thailand, and Vancouver Canada.)

So, I am excited. Great work coming up from: Christine Bellerose, Virginie Mangin, Allessandro Rolandi, Tara Bethune-Leamen, Noah Eli Gordon, Warren Lloyd, David Friesen, Solange Guo Chatelard, Stefania Moldoveanu, Qing Ping, Jack Raif, Gautier Battistella, William Gatherer, Dr John M. Bennett, Terry Rosenberg, Efe Okogu, Jane Calvin (agent: Felicia Schwartz), Seio Nakajima, Colleen Baran.

The ladies here at homônumos magazine are looking for a hand in:
Proofreaders (English/French/Chinese/Spanish/German/Italian/other languages welcome) illustrator, webdesigner, blogger, events coordination. And of course, always always looking for inventive thoughtful insightful creators and authors. Send us email (

The Norm sells in Beijing at the Bookworm ( and various art galleries in Beijing: Imagine Gallery (www. Red t Space ( Two Lines gallery, as well as art book shops ( and Thinking Hands in Dashanzi (Dashanzi International Art Festival headquarters)

Christine Bellerose
Chief editor
Homônumos magazine

homonumos magazine d'avant garde

homonumos magazine d'avant garde