Thursday, November 23, 2006

It has been a year now

homonumos magazine d'avant garde
It has been a year now since I thought of compiling intelligent writings in as many languages as they come, from as many cultures as are to be found in Beijing. From here and abroad, through trips, chance encounters, replies to authors call, through people's links and personal relations, and most of, through generosity and enthusiasm, homônumos lives.

It has been a year since I called Sandy Sun (Chinese editor) to talk her into yet another out-of-her-bound project. A year since I met Virginie Mangin (editorialist) for a 5 minutes interview, out in the freezing cold, my notes (pages un-numbered) flying in the wind. It has been a year since a friend brought up Anna Sodupe Gallén's name (art director) and I saw my dream of collaborating with the graphic arts of Barcelona via Beijing. To these three ladies, unconditional friendship xox

In the midst of the year, a most important collaboration came about, one who wrote for homônumos, spread the word about homônumos, donated time and financial support, put us in touch with amazing poets from here and abroad. Bob Marcacci is a star.

I never doubted homônumos could come to live, and I never doubted homônumos would have a long life. I hadn't realize the time and finance it would involve in a very pragmatic way. But for the sheer bliss of reading material sent our way, and to sign up the delivery sheet of a new batch (issue), I will pursue my homônumos dream.

Our first issue was delivered in May 2006 in front of my Mai-zi-dianr apartment. I remember seeing only the magazines all wrapped up in brown paper, seeing only those packages and not the SUV that carried them. I walked my arms extended to hold the new baby, and smashed my head against the frame of the jeep. I hadn't seen the jeep at all. The magazines seemed to float on air. I remember hanging an inch from the asphalt with the driver holding me by one arm, and the printer by the other while I smiled beatifically. I got a mild concussion from it. But the smile hasn't worn off totally.

Thank you to all. List of thanks run for a full page in the credits of no1 and no2 issue. My family above all who might live to see the day I support them rather than the reverse. To Virginie's partner who has been and still is a positive feedback of ideas and good wish, to Jenny and Alex at the Bookworm, to all the performers and the creators who contributed time and art through the "Thinking homônumos Thoughts" events, to those who opened their space for our shows, and who distribute homônumos, to those who paid their copies thank you so very much! To the people who never say "it's not possible" "it's been done" "it's too difficult."

There is much room for a helping hand, for growth. Don't hesitate to get in touch J

I have a bottle of Cava I reserved for when I would receive issue no2. Now we may have to share one bubble each but well, "nothing is impossible."

Love peace health success
Christine (cricri /桂花) Bellerose
Chief editor and founder
Homônumos magazine

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Call to authors: submission for homônumos magazine

homonumos magazine d'avant garde
Latin/Sanskrit/Greek roots. Homônumos means, sharing the same name. "All humans."

Beijing China

homônumos magazine: Avant-garde and experimental: literature, philosophy, science.

Homônumos magazine
Literature Science Philosophy

Call to authors: submission for homônumos magazine
Third Issue
Extended. Deadline submission: 15 Decembre 2006 (re-writes and finals January 2007)
Theme: Infinity
Color: indigo
Note: we've filled poems in English for no.2 quota. Please check with us regarding previously sent material. Some amazing writings are in pre-selection. We will contact you soon.

Fourth Issue
Theme: Language
Color: blue

Fifth Issue
Theme: Intention
Color: Green

Sixth Issue
Theme: Pleasure: seeking pleasure and avoiding displeasure
Color: yellow

Type: Avant-garde literature philosophy science
Publishing rate: magazine published four times per year
Payment: none
Distribution:1000~10 000 copies (Beijing Shanghai. Vancouver Bangkok Hong Kong Paris London coming soon. Your local multilingual multicultural bookshop.)
Print and (with approval, partial) on-line
Cost: 30rmb~35rmb (3euros~3.5euros)
Extra: Annual compilation (fixed payment)

Homônumos Mission
Open an outlet for intelligent, refined, artistic, experimental, daring, non-confrontational writing. Focus on multiculturalism and multilingual. Professionals and amateurs equally considered. The brain is an organ which needs to be cultivated, to be fed. Homônumos encourages the authors to push the limit of their fineness, flair, intelligence, and creativity. Content fusion of cultures (east meets west etc) is a must. An annual publication is in the works, containing the best (hopefully all) works in its full length (no word limitation). Homônumos magazine hopes to foster literacy in its utmost light, making it accessible for all to write. Hence accessible for all to read, albeit never giving into complacency. Homônumos is not an information magazine. Therefore we cannot accept journalistic type stories. The material chosen for print has an intemporal sense. So far, people from nations all over the world including locals in China, have taken part in homônumos.

"The idol of the day …Phoenicians."


Try to work the idea and deliver it to us as a rough. Works in progress (including scribbled notes etc) are most welcome. Finish pieces are not as thought stirring. Concentrate on LITERATURE PHILOSOPHY SCIENCE.

The best way to know what "avant garde" is and what "experimental" means is to google it. Zines (print or on-line) abound. Avant-garde is an 'old' movement but homônumos takes the definition for what it originally meant: forward.

Will do: beautiful literature, thought stirring, avant-garde themes, experimental written organization, word art, possibilities and novel ideas, sensual, ground breaking theories, observation, discoveries, brainiac, nerdy, eccentric, schizophrenic.
Will not do: political, slandering of parties, conspiracy theory, sexually explicit, coming off drugs black cloud rambling, unauthorized reproduction, the expatriate lost in China culture shock theme, journalism of mass.

Written material:
-Short stories (facts, fictions)
-Poems and graphic word
-Essay and thesis (scheme and structure, manifesto, hypothesis, including notes and project drafts)
-Philosophy (thoughts, ideas, insights)
-Lyrics, music composition
-Science (discoveries or hypothesis. Social science. Natural science. Anthropology ethnology. Bio and mechanics. Economics. Politics of betterments. Sustainable development and alternative energy. Cooking. A thought, and a search for a proof. An installation and explanations. A recipe. A map. A graph.)

"The world is not for everyone to understand. Not understanding everything is a positive statement meaning that some things are being understood." Cricri

Image material:
One color+black and empty (white)

Constant fields: character study (Christine Bellerose), editorial (Virginie), yiren (homônumos), special edition loose leaf, architecture, tango, poem, short story, image.

70% English (including all other foreign languages)
30% Chinese (including translation)
Write in your mother tongue. Looking for all and any languages.
Homônumos is a multilingual magazine, with predominance in English language, reserving a space of at least 30% to Chinese script (including translation). The letter from the editor is written in English, French, and Chinese. Homônumos prints work in their original language while translating them in English when space count allows for it.

Word count:
50 words (one page-A5)
300-700 words (two pages-A5)
2000 words (four pages-A5)
First come, first serve. Some writings maybe published in slabs. The projection of annual compilation will be the releasing of full-length writings. In other words, if you have a 3000-words essay, shorten into a summary, or give us a sample.

Original material. Re-prints with approval of original copyright. No plagiarism.
We do not own rights to your writing. If you are thinking to publish it simultaneously, see with us for details.

For submission info,
Subject line mandatory:
[SUB: homonumos (title) (author name)]
Please identify your submission clearly, send as rtf file preferably to avoid virus mailing. Submission hand delivery, fax, please inquire to above email.

Distribution: (Beijing) The Bookworm, Imagine Gallery (Beijing 798 Dashanzi) Red T space, Timezone8, Litou Space, Thinking Hands (DIAF) (Beijing Houhai) One Way Street (soon) (Shanghai) Marienbad café (Chengdu) The Bookworm (soon)
(Bangkok Thailand, Vancouver Canada, coming soon) Forecast: national, international.
Readership: multilingual multicultural outlets. Art galleries and art café. Learning institutions.

If you wish to distribute, or obtain a review copy, please email

Spread the word…
It's a powerful experience.

Founder and Chief editor
Christine Bellerose alias cricri alias 桂花
+86 13522722271 (blocked in China)

About us:
Christine has dabbled in an eclectic procession of arts, from poetry, playwriting, classical guitar, stage drama, classical modern and tango dancing, fashion designing and fashion styling, back to writing. In the midst of it she traveled and lived in many countries. In 2004 she broke the rule that writers can't show with a word installation at Imagine Gallery (Beijing). Her French-English erotic compilation, "The Writhing/Les E-Cris, was published for the event. She has written her first book, Grasshopper, and plowing through the next ones, Process Cheese and Three ghosts. Her published erotica (French) is on Rêve Bébé and Plume Rose, (English) Foreign Affairs: Erotic Travel Tales edited by Mitzi Szereto at Cleis Press. She also performs her work (From Yuanmingyuan to 798 poetry performance (South Gate Space), other poetry performances (Hart cafe DIAF 2006 2005, Bookworm, Sculpting in Time). This May 2006 she launched her homônumos avant-garde and experimental magazine in Beijing (literary philosophy science in English French and Chinese and etc.) Erotica is a recurrent theme in her writing, as well as humor, wit, cultural imagery, and folk myths.

Christine was born in Montreal Canada. She thinks in many languages; speaks French, English, Chinese, and, (mushy) Spanish. Born on the day women never marry (25 November), on the sexiest possible year (69), with an IQ well above the norm, slightly dyslexic, synesthesist, twisted, brainiac, weird or unique. A natural outcast. Picked up writing at a young age, dabbed in the arts all her life, turned to making money in her 30’s, came to China after a short stay in Vietnam, decided money was not all that necessary. Currently pursuing her dream of becoming a famous writer. Forever grateful to Wang Lei (her idol). She came to Beijing (2002) to be part of the artist community, lived in a Chinese house on the outskirts of Beijing, equipped with work in progress courtyard, lotus tubs, and a backhouse with a light bulb. Moved back to Beijing center in 2005. Recently converted to tango dancing and scuba diving. Did plays as amateur, (…) as provocateur. Putting out a literature magazine because. (see Project at a glance) In awe what with realizing there are geeks out in Beijing. Today she lives in Beijing, with her aging canine companion Pirelli

Virginie Mangin

Virginie Mangin is a French journalist living in Beijing. She moved to China from Paris over two years ago in search of something different. Prior to joining homônumos, she participated in the founding of "Transfuge", a French literature magazine in Paris. As well, she contributed to "Summer Times", a radio literary show. Now based in Beijing, she divides her time between working part-time for a news agency, and engaging in artistic activities. Virginie has written many short stories. She is currently working on her first novel.

Art Director
Anna Sodupe Gallén